Resources: where to learn more

A large part of Defying Gender Roles' mission is educational public speaking, and enacting social change through public engagement. By participating in various podcasts in both Spanish and English, events like TEDx Colby College, as well as guest speaking for various events and classrooms, DGR can strive towards our goal of inspiring more participants to actively reject gender norms and toxic masculinity in their lives. 

Public Speaking Events

United States

Virtual panel on Masculinities - International Organization of Migrations (IOM) “A thousand ways to be a man” campaign, Sebastián Molano was a virtual panelist (en español y inglés) (June 2021)

Aid and development class guest - The Fletcher School (2020-2021)

“Why working with men and boys matter for our Gender Justice work?” presentation at Oxfam America (October 2017)

“Gender equality and education in Latin America” 4 presentations on gender, masculinity and manhood at Emerson College, guest presenter for Professor Mneesha Hellaman in classes about International Relations, Latin America, Human Rights and Global Studies (Fall 2016-Fall 2017)

“Exploring gender, manhood and masculinities,” Oxfam American (October 2016)

“What does it mean to be a man today” research presentation at Latin America Conference - Harvard School of Graduate Education (April 2016)

“Gender, masculinities and humanitarian work” commenter at Academic Conference - The American’s Men Association (March 2016)

“The role of men in gender issues,” TEDx style presentation at 1st Gender Conference - Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy (December 2015)

“Is there room for men at the gender table?” presentation for Oxfam America (September 2015)

Virtual class covering challenges and opportunities for increasing women’s political representation in Latin America and the Caribbean - Organization of American States (OAS) Class that used the OAS Gender Methodology. (June 2015)

“What it means to be a man and the struggle for gender equality,” TEDx at Colby College (January 2015)


“De masculinidades hegemónicas a desconstruidas” virtual speaking event with ForumSyd Colombia (June 2020)

“Gender 102: expression, identity and masculinities” class presentations for psychology students (in Spanish) - Fundación Sánitas (Spring and Fall Semesters 2016)

“Gender 101” two-hour class for junior and senior students (in Spanish) - Universidad Externado de Colombia (February 2015)

“Why it is important to adopt a ‘new masculinity’” workshop sessions video - run by Susana y Elvira, one of the leading feminist voices in the country


“101 - unwrapping gender” - two-hour class on gender to a group of youth leaders, Respect Jamaica (NGO). (April 2016)


El hombre que enseña a desafiar los roles de género (The man who teaches how to defy gender roles) - ¿Muy Machito? podcast episode (in Spanish, English subtitles available), March 2022

Promoting inclusive peace building and sustainable peace efforts in Colombia - Geneva Peace Week podcast, October 2021

Be a man: putting words into your emotions and taking care - Gender Kaleidoscope podcast episode, August 2021

Care like a man: an antidote to violence - Gender Kaleidoscope podcast episode, August 2021

Fatherhood and feminism - At the Table podcast episode, June 2020

Raising feminist boys - Just Winging it podcast episode, June 2018

Empoderamiento de la mujer - CoreWoman Blog podcast episode, April 2017

Gender perspectives in humanitarian work - Harvard Humanitarian Initiative podcast episode, 2016